Developed comprehensive commercialization plan with financials to support US launch of patented advanced breast dressing to medical and aesthetic healthcare providers by a nascent international company.
Characterized advanced wound management opportunity for intra-cisional medicaments for high risk acute surgical wounds and authored burn market assessment for start-up wound matrix company.
Engaged by non-practicing entity to license intelligent robotic patient transportation patents (e.g. wheelchairs & hospital beds). Project encompassed the creation of the technology presentation, identification and solicitation of potential partners and coordination of one-on-one meetings.
Contracted by advanced wound care company to license novel ultrasound technology within professional aesthetics including market assessment, identification and solicitation of potential partners and contract negotiations with validated strategic candidates.
Routinely engaged by emerging oncology company to create market assessments and product forecasts for a clinical stage uncoated paclitaxel nanoparticle in the treatment of lung cancer, cutaneous metastases, cystic neoplasms of the pancreas and endometriosis.
Financial valuation of angiotensin peptides for ophthalmic use in incisional healing, abrasion and ulcers of the cornea for nascent drug company in support of ongoing corporate development efforts to identify a strategic partner and execute a co-development and licensing agreement.
Assignment by evolving device company to divest non-core patented trocar product line to a laparoscopic surgery strategic. Activities included development of presentation materials, identification of prospects, solicitation through web conferencing and identification of interested parties prior to formal due diligence.
Validated indications for use, reimbursement, and go to market commercialization strategy for a photo-biologic device in development by a fledgling light therapy company.
Produced strategic plan to support the creation and launch of a new advanced wound management company including primary market research to support development of target product profiles and pro forma financials.
Employed to conduct technology review of wound dressing portfolio including creation of target product profiles, estimates of market potential, ranking of products based on financial analysis and commercialization recommendations to maximize shareholder value.
Identified, evaluated and selected an order to cash third party logistics (3PL) company to support the launch of a new drug/device combination drug product.
Created U.S. sales and marketing plan including advertising agency selection to re-launch evacuation device recently acquired by emerging UK based medical device company from a $10B orthopedic multi-national.
Developed commercialization plan and budget to support the U.S. launch of a drug/device combination to provide local analgesia prior to venipuncture or peripheral intravenous cannulation.
Conceptualized post clearance clinical trial plan to support the commercialization of advanced breast dressing. Deliverable included overview of high value low cost study options, identification of qualified suppliers and preliminary budget.
Formulated sales and marketing plan in support fundraising efforts associated with the relaunch of a high intensity cold laser for musculoskeletal pain.
Built a public company restart commercialization plan for a patented resorbable bone hemostat and intra-cisional collagen powder including their application in high risk orthopedic procedures. Engagement expanded to include risk analysis of product pipeline to guide product selection.
Conducted qualitative market research to determine the target gross profit a licensor would require to in-license a novel topical oncologic anhydrous ointment of a submicron particle of paclitaxel for non-melanoma cutaneous metastases.
Tasked to evaluated out-licensing opportunity for clinical stage tuberculosis vaccine and provide go forward negotiation recommendations. Key activities included market potential development by World Health Organization regions and comparables research to evaluate proposed royalty and milestone payments.
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